
アガベ生き残り Agave survived

6月22日 アガベの葉挿しを植え替えた。去年秋に手に入れた新入りの耐寒性が分からず,冬も外に出しておいたら腐ってしまった。挿しておいた残りの葉っぱが元気なので根が出ている感じだ。鉢が大きすぎるとこれからの高湿度の季節に良くないかと考え,小さい鉢に植え替えることにした。
June 22, I replanted a leaf of Agave.  It went rotten last winter because I left it outdoor.  I did not know the cold tolerance since I bought it last autumn.  As one remaining leaf that I took apart from the rotten body and planted separately in the sand looks OK still now, the roots may have started growing.  As the pot I planted is too big for a small leaf, I started to worry that it is not good to go through coming hot and humid summer, and decided to replant to a smaller pot.

これは去年の元気な姿。  This was last autumn when it was still fine.

今は,これだ。  Now, like this.

Digging softly around the leaf, there are roots as expected.  But, they are still few and weak. Maybe I should have left it as it was a little while more.

Anyway, it is in a smaller pot now.  Go grow, please!!

名札には Agave Guiengola とあるが,ネットで調べるとかなり見かけが違うものから似たものまで色々出てくる。少々名前は心配だなぁ。
On the label, it is written as Agave Giungola.  But, when I googled, there were varieties of hits.  Some are similar to this, and some are totally different.  I don't feel easy about the name.

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