
枝刈り Pruning

I have two trees that I believe are honeylocusts, or Fabaceae Gleditsia.  The reason I say "I believe" is, I grew them from seeds that I picked up at somewhere.

生えていた所ではビルの5階くらいまで伸びていたから,放っておくととんでもないことになる。 時々切っているのだが,この季節は成長が早い。
今朝起きたとき二階の窓から見て気づいた,「二階の屋根より高く伸びてるのは不味いよな・・・」。隣の庭にもぐいっと張り出しているのも失礼だし,剪定することにした。 日除けとしても重宝しているので,あまり下の方でなく,上の方で切りたい。
They were about the height of five floor building there, they grow horribly if left as they are.  I cut from time to time, but they grow fast in this season.
When I wake up, and noticed the hight looking through the window upstairs.  "It is not good to let them grow taller than the roof of the second floor."  They also, hang above the garden of the next door rudely.  I decided to prune on the day.  I must cut them at the high positions since we are using them as sun shade, too.

そういう時に役立つのが,Wolf gartenの高枝処理道具。
In these occasions, the tools from Wolf Garten are useful.

ポールに鋏を挿して,鋏から垂れ下がる長い紐を下から引くと切れる。かなり太い枝も切れる。原始的な仕組みだが,性能は凄い。 全部伸ばすと3mになり,鋏も結構な重さがあるので,支えているだけで結構な筋トレにもなる。 今回はノコギリは使わずに済んだが,もっと太い枝を切るにはこれも役に立つ。 切った後の枝がこれだ。
Pushing the scissors into the extension pole, and pulling the wire have the scissors cut branches.  They can cut fairly thick branches.  Very effective.  The pole extends to three meters, and the scissors are fairly heavy, so only keeping them can be a good muscle training.  This time I did not need to use the saw, but when I had to cut thicker branches, this works good.
These are pruned branches.

Leaves were separated to be compost.

このメーカを初めて知ったのは,もう何年も前,蓼科のバラクラ・イングリッシュガーデンの売店だった。 片言の日本語でドイツから来た若者が販売していた。 その時はセールの枝切り鋏。太い枝がバシバシ切れるのに感動して買った。 翌年もやはりセールで芝刈りばさみを買った。これも今でも使っている。 値段は少々高いが高性能は作業も楽になり,代え難い。
I met this brand for the first time years before at a shop at Barakuraa English Garden in Tateshina resort.  A young German man with smattering of Japanese were selling their products.  I bought a pruning scissors at sale, since they cut thick branches real smoothly.  Next year, a lawn scissors.  I use them often even now.  The price are a little expensive, but they make my work really easier, and cannot be expendable.

I bought the tools to prune high branches, when I found the one I had owned were too short by net shopping.

Departing from the subject, my left arm felt strong sting when I was processing the pruned branches.  I found a limacodidae on a leaf on a branch that I had.
Searching around, I found many of them.  Ten times revenge!!!

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