
晴れ Fine weather

Until the day before  yesterday, it has been rain for more than a week. I was afraid all the pots outside would go rotten.  Regardless of my fear, it looks like pots looks great in an autumn sun after all. 

I resumed my autumn work in the garden. One thing I did today was not planned to be done in autumn because I had thought it should be done in early spring. As I was not sure about the time I checked several net site and found I had to do it now. It is repotting and division of a primula that I bought this spring and planted in a rather small pot. Until last year, primulas in my garden mostly got very weak or die during summer. I was keeping them in rather dry condition. But, this year I kept it watered everyday and in the shade, and it turned out very good for it. As a result the pot was filled. 

Before I started, I planned to divide the plant into several parts and plant them back to one larger pot. After I divided them, however, I found myself with more than ten small plants in a tray. Then, I needed more than one pots. 
These are two of them.

These are the other two of them. As my work is not so delicate, some of the plants were divided with very little or no roots. The ones in a small brown pot are the ones with scarce. Even leaves are scarce. I have to watch carefully for a while how they will be. 

Others are as normal as the regular autumn. This one called elephant's foot grow a vine fiercely after long sleep during hot summer.

Gentians started flowering at last with some damage on leaves.

I planted one more agave outside of the gate.

Aren't agaves looking like protect our gate with those spines?

This one named Seyrigia humbertii grows well, but only these two branches. Is I wonder there is anyway making it grow with more but shorter branches. Maybe more sunshine?

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